Top 7 Best Programming Languages For Machine Learning!!
In this article we discuss about 7 best programming language used for Machine Learning.
- Python
- Java
- R
- C++
- Lisp
- Matlab
- Prolog
(1) Python :
- Python described as simple and easy to learn.
- It has the simple syntax which makes easier to work in complex systems.
- In Python we can use python and other programming languages for reach our goal.
- In Python we can choose between scripting and OOPs.
it includes pre-written code that allows user to perform different gives some base level codes. so, programmer don't need to write code every time.
- Pandas
- Jupyter
- TensorFlow
- Scikit-learn
- Keras
(2) Java :
- Java provides many benefits like : Easy to use
- Simplified work
- Easy to work
- Easy debugging
- Package services
- Good user interaction etc..
- Libraries of Machine Learning for java,
- Weka
- Deeplearning4j
(3) R :
- R allows rapid prototyping and working with data sets.
- There is advantage of advanced data analysis packages that cover the pre-modeling,modeling,post-modeling stages.
(4) C++ :
- C++ creates more compact and faster runtime code.
- In C++ major compilers tend to do specific optimisation and platform specific.
- C++ code is low-level language which means it is easy for computer to read and harder for humans.
- But developers prefer python over C++ because it has more libraries and more easier for developing.
(5) Lisp :
- Lisp allows the construction of executable code at Run-time.
- Lisp has macros that works at the syntax tree level.
- The default data structure for Lisp is linked list.
(6) Matlab :
- Machine Learning is basically maths based programming.
- Matlab gives facility to express maths directl.
- Matlab provides the appropriate tools.
- Matlab provides function and capabilities the developer need.
- Matlab complete tasks easily than other custom programming.
- Matlab runs your program faster and also try bigger problems
(7) Prolog :
- Prolog is declarative programming language.
- The program logic is expressed in terms of relationship, represented as facts and rules.